A good friend of mine e-mailed me on Facebook about speaking to a young woman about adoption since I was adopted myself. I responded with "sure!!" A few days later I e-mailed the young woman and Long story short she e-mailed us and asked if we were interested in adopting her baby. I was floored, but of course said, "Sure." I knew another couple was in the "running" so to speak, and the bio mom and I e-mailed back and forth for a few weeks. She was wanting to know my view on open adoption, which I shared with her. We decided to meet in person the last week of July and she said she chose us. I cried (of course) and texted people, called and cried some more!!!
We are doing this entire process backwards. The bio mom chose us, we had our home study done within two weeks of applying (SERIOUSLY that has to be some record) and hope to have it finalized within the next month.
Am I scared? Yes!!!
Did I post this all over Facebook??? YES!!!
Here are some facts I am sharing
1)It is a very open adoption
2) It is in our same state
3) Yes, we will be there for the birth (HUGE BLESSING)
In my prior
stalking of a zillion blogs reading of adoption blogs from all angles, I have learned a lot. While open adoption may not be for everyone, it is for us in this specific situation. We have waited 13 years for a child. This blessing is not lost on us.
One reason I am returning to this blog is to keep track of how I feel in this process. I want to be able to look back and remember how I longed for a child, and the pain I endured. I pray when this is adoption is final I "come out on the other side" so to speak.
This is the largest "Leap of Faith" I have ever taken in my life.
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